Many of you adventurers have undoubtedly been in a scenario where you wanted to go out into the wilderness and explore but couldn't because you didn't have the right equipment and accessories. And I believe you were correct in not doing so.
In order to ensure a safe and enjoyable adventure when touring the Australian outback, or even when embarking on a long journey, you must be equipped with all of the necessary off-road accessories. Sure, there seem to be a plethora of off-road additions that contribute to the safety of your travels, but the listed below are the essential must-have off-road 4x4 accessories. Let's get into the specifics, shall we?
Equipment for Recovering
Nothing else will bring you anymore joy and relief than knowing you have your rescue kit or tow lines with you while you're stuck whirling your wheels in the mud. Whether you're on a rescue attempt to assist a buddy or hauling your own vehicle out of a tight location, high-quality recovering straps will provide you with a safe and sturdy solution to get your truck back on solid ground in no time. When traveling long roads, these off-road 4x4 accessories are your best buddy because you can rest certain that aid is just a phone call away. Shop Factor 55 here for some quality recovery kits.
Tyre Air Compressor
When you have a blown-out tire, you will have to use the spare tire, whereas when you have a flat tire, you will have to use the spare tire. But what if one of them is utterly obliterated? Consequently, you will not be allowed to return to the road.
You won't have these issues with a tire air compressor because when you do get a flat tire, you simply connect the tubes to the nozzle and fill it up. And if you suffer a burst tire shortly after that, you can simply replace it with the replacement. Here, I'm referring to the worst-case situation.
Lift Kit
When you have a blown-out tire, you will have to use the spare tire, whereas when you have a flat tire, you will have to use the spare wheel. But what if one of them is utterly obliterated? Consequently, you will not be allowed to return to the road.
You won't have these issues with a tire compressor because when you do get a flat tire, you simply connect the tubes to the nozzle and fill it up. And if you suffer a burst tire shortly after that, you can simply replace it with the replacement. Here, I'm referring to the worst-case situation.
Power Inverter
You'll need to have a Power Inverter if you wish to supply power to like a TV or other 240v plug-in gadgets (such phone or notebook chargers). Some people prefer a much more permanently connected option, especially for powering larger electronic items, although inverters that hook into your 12v cigarette lighter connection can also charge smaller equipment.
The more significant you want your system to be, the more likely you'll need a backup battery. You might also want to consider installing a specialized deep-cycle battery, as they're better suited to this type of application than your typical vehicle battery.